2.0 DP3: You can't specify more than one bucket on xml configuration section

It’s not possible to specify more than one bucket on the xml configuration file section. Only the last bucket specified will be added to the configuration. I can’t login to Jira so I post my fix here:

Problem Code:

    /// <summary>
    /// For synchronization with App.config or Web.configs.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="couchbaseClientSection"></param>
    internal ClientConfiguration(CouchbaseClientSection couchbaseClientSection)
        foreach (var bucketElement in couchbaseClientSection.Buckets)
            var bucket = (BucketElement) bucketElement;
            BucketConfigs = new Dictionary<string, BucketConfiguration> {{bucket.Name, bucketConfiguration}};

should read:


/// For synchronization with App.config or Web.configs.

internal ClientConfiguration(CouchbaseClientSection couchbaseClientSection)

BucketConfigs = new Dictionary<string, BucketConfiguration>();
foreach (var bucketElement in couchbaseClientSection.Buckets)

BucketConfigs.Add(bucket.Name, bucketConfiguration);

Otherwise BucketConfigs will always be overwritten with the last element found.

Hi coboluxx -

I created a Jira ticket for this: http://www.couchbase.com/issues/browse/NCBC-713

If you think your fix is solid enough and feel like contributing, you can always create a pull request: https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-net-client

Thank for bringing this to our attention!
