Blog: Ruby 2.0 developer preview (with JRuby support)

Hi everyone. I’ve just pushed preview version of SDK 2.0 for ruby. At the moment it is accessible for JRuby, but CRuby support is coming.

Any feedback on it is welcome. You can install it as everything for ruby:

jruby -S gem install couchbase --pre

Or drop this line into your Gemfile

gem 'couchbase', '~> 2.0.0.pre.1'

Hey avsej, finally got the chance to give the preview a try. No issues as of yet, seems to do everything I’d expect and really happy with the Rx support. Is it current with the jvm-core 1.1.1 and if not could we get it bumped?

Any plans or timeline on getting this promoted to a full 2.0 release?

Any plans when 2.0 will be released?

Odd JRuby is supported before the traditional Ruby MRI. When is the Ruby SDK going to catch up to the other languages? I feel Ruby is being left out of the loop. no news of 2.0 version since november 2014 :confused: .
The couchbase server is a good product, but the clients should be updated too

You’re confused. The SDK was last updated May 16 2015. The 2.0.0 pre release hasn’t been updated since Nov 2014.

Yes, I mean the new version 2.0, because only 2.0 is compatible with jruby, I know I could you java directly, but this gem is much better.