KeyExist result is invalid

If i check a big list of keys if exists on cache is random true or false.
The KeyState is FoundNotPersisted. I have two nodes with 39.915.048 items.

var cache = new Couchbase.CouchbaseClient();
        //for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
        Parallel.For(0, 10000000, i =>

            if (cache.KeyExists("key1234"))
                Console.WriteLine("cache nok {0}", i);
            if (cache.KeyExists("key4321"))


Are you saying you expect these to be there and some that you expect there are not?

If you do an ExecuteGet(), does the item come back?

I add the ExecuteGet method after the key exists. Same result you can see in screenshots. For information my test server have 24 cores. The same test on a other server with 4 cores have the same result. It is important to run the software more as a minute the failures comes after a minute.

public void Start() { var cache = new Couchbase.CouchbaseClient();
        //key1234 = exists
        //key4321 = not exists

        //for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) 
        Parallel.For(0, 10000000, i => {
            if (!cache.KeyExists("key1234"))
                Console.WriteLine("cache nok, item exists but not found {0}", i);

            if (cache.KeyExists("key4321"))
                Console.WriteLine("cache nok, item not exists but found {0}", i);

                var result = cache.ExecuteGet("key4321");