Ranges not used on primary index for Meta().id

It would be highly beneficial if startKey and endKey ranges were used for document ids when a primary key exists. Currently the input ranges are null.

All of my documents follow an ID structure of {DocType}::{uuid} (e.g., User::3b49dd18-1d56-478e-8ab1-fb38e31ce7e2). So a common query would look like:

SELECT * FROM default WHERE Meta().id LIKE “User::%” AND …


cbq> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM gamesim-sample WHERE Meta().id LIKE “Aaron%”
“resultset”: [
“input”: {
“expr”: {
“left”: {
“left”: {
“distinct”: false,
“name”: “META”,
“operands”: [
“expr”: {
“path”: “gamesim-sample”,
“type”: “property”
“star”: false
“type”: “function”
“right”: {
“path”: “id”,
“type”: “property”
“type”: “dot_member”
“right”: {
“type”: “literal_string”,
“value”: “Aaron%”
“type”: “like”
“input”: {
“as”: “gamesim-sample”,
“bucket”: “gamesim-sample”,
“ids”: null,
“input”: {
“as”: “”,
“bucket”: “gamesim-sample”,
“cover”: false,
“index”: “#primary”,
“pool”: “default”,
“ranges”: null,
“type”: “scan”
“pool”: “default”,
“projection”: null,
“type”: “fetch”
“type”: “filter”
“result”: [
“as”: “”,
“expr”: {
“path”: “gamesim-sample”,
“type”: “property”
“star”: true
“type”: “projector”
“info”: [
“caller”: “http_response:152”,
“code”: 100,
“key”: “total_rows”,
“message”: “1”
“caller”: “http_response:154”,
“code”: 101,
“key”: “total_elapsed_time”,
“message”: “3.976014ms”

Please run


and then post the output of EXPLAIN for us to inspect.


cbq> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM gamesim-sample WHERE Meta().id LIKE "Aaron%" { "resultset": [ { "input": { "expr": { "left": { "left": { "distinct": false, "name": "META", "operands": [ { "expr": { "path": "gamesim-sample", "type": "property" }, "star": false } ], "type": "function" }, "right": { "path": "id", "type": "property" }, "type": "dot_member" }, "right": { "type": "literal_string", "value": "Aaron%" }, "type": "like" }, "input": { "as": "gamesim-sample", "bucket": "gamesim-sample", "ids": null, "input": { "as": "", "bucket": "gamesim-sample", "cover": false, "index": "#primary", "pool": "default", "ranges": null, "type": "scan" }, "pool": "default", "projection": null, "type": "fetch" }, "type": "filter" }, "result": [ { "as": "", "expr": { "path": "gamesim-sample", "type": "property" }, "star": true } ], "type": "projector" } ], "info": [ { "caller": "http_response:152", "code": 100, "key": "total_rows", "message": "1" }, { "caller": "http_response:154", "code": 101, "key": "total_elapsed_time", "message": "2.917415ms" } ] }

Thanks for posting this. You are right, this should be a range scan.

We’ve create ticket http://www.couchbase.com/issues/browse/MB-10148 for DP4.