SDK .Net 2.0 DP2 & DP3: get data problem

I’m test couchbase server and SDK .Net 2.0 DP2 & DP3, to know if (and how) I could do what I need.
I’m interesting on using N1QL on .Net.
N1QL dev preview tester works fine on my couchbase server.

In SDK .Net 2.0 DP2 & DP3 I have some problems: I’ve followed the examples and the documentation, but I cannot get any data from any bucket.

With N1QL I get a success result, but with no row inside (row.count = 0). I’ve tried with “SELECT * FROM :system.buckets” and “SELECT * FROM beer-sample”, but the result is always the same.

With views, and get by key, I get results with succes = false and row = null.

I think I’m wronging somethings but I don’t know what.


<?xml version="1.0"?>


var cluster = CouchbaseCluster.Get();

using (var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket(“beer-sample”))
const string query = “SELECT name FROM beer-sample”;
var results = bucket.Query(query);

if (results.Rows.Count() == 0)
    Console.WriteLine("No Document Found!");

foreach (var row in results.Rows)




var cluster = ClusterHelper.Get();

using (var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket())
const string query = “SELECT name FROM beer-sample”;
var results = bucket.Query(query);

if (results.Success)
	if (results.Rows.Count() == 0)
		Console.WriteLine("No Document Found!");

	foreach (var row in results.Rows)



ursol -

Read this:

Let me know how this works,


Ok, thank you Jeff.