Unix /tmp/log_upr_client.sock: bind: address already in use

I installed N1QL dp4 first time in a test directory /opt/cbdata/test/cbq-dp4. I was able to run start_tutorial.sh successfully.

I need to move the installation files to a different directory. So I copied the files to /opt/cbdata/work/cbq-dp4 .
when I try to start_tutorial.sh in new /opt/cbdata/work/cbq-dp4 , I got error below. However, it works fine if I start it again in the old directory /opt/cbdata/test/cbq-dp4 . How to fix this so I can move the installation files to a new directory? Thanks.

_time=“2015-02-12T11:09:07-05:00” _level=“INFO” _msg=“cbq-engine started” version=“cbq-dp4” datastore="dir:./data"
2015/02/12 11:09:07 Failed to listen listen unix /tmp/log_upr_client.sock: bind: address already in use

Hi, you can manually delete that file: /tmp/log_upr_client.sock

It works.