[4.5.1] How to create covering index for range value and order by?


For example, if the query like this:
SELECT id FROM default WHERE price = 50 ORDER BY price, timeModified
We can create on (price, timeModified) so that CB no need to do ordering (alot faster)

So, I have a query like this :
SELECT id FROM default WHERE price > 10 and price < 100 ORDER BY timeModified ASC

Are there anyway to create covering index that cover “timeModified” order also ?


CREATE INDEX idx_price ON default(timeModified, price, id)
WHERE price > 10 AND price < 100;

FROM default
WHERE price > 10 AND price < 100 AND timeModified IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY timeModified ASC;

For example, there are 1million records and all dont’ have price from 10 to 100, then the query will run very slow…

Did you create the exact above.

Hi Gerald,
This is my index:

CREATE INDEX gia_idx ON default(ngayDangTin,gia,id)

This is my query:

SELECT id FROM default use index (gia_idx)
WHERE gia > 99 AND gia < 100 AND ngayDangTin IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY ngayDangTin ASC

It took me “Execution: 6.53s Result Count: 2”, my bucket have 667,853 records

This is the explain:

    "plan": {
      "#operator": "Sequence",
      "~children": [
          "#operator": "Sequence",
          "~children": [
              "#operator": "IndexScan",
              "covers": [
                "cover ((`default`.`ngayDangTin`))",
                "cover ((`default`.`gia`))",
                "cover ((`default`.`id`))",
                "cover ((meta(`default`).`id`))"
              "index": "gia_idx",
              "index_id": "ce76fbf827f28467",
              "keyspace": "default",
              "namespace": "default",
              "spans": [
                  "Range": {
                    "Inclusion": 0,
                    "Low": [

If I create index on “gia” first, then the result alot better:

CREATE INDEX gia2_idx ON default(gia,ngayDangTin,id)


SELECT id FROM default use index (gia2_idx)
WHERE gia > 99 AND gia < 100 AND ngayDangTin IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY ngayDangTin ASC

Query result:

Execution: 7.20ms Result Count: 2

Thank you

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