All incoming connections timing out


We currently have a 6 node cluster in Azure with the following specs:
Couchbase Community Edition v3.0.1 (build 1444-rel)
CentOS 6.6
Data and Index paths mapped to 150G /data drive
Bucket set with no password

Two of the 6 nodes show 200 connections, as if they aren’t releasing them.
Rebalancing won’t even start, it just displays “Rebalancing 0%” in the Web UI.
Even though I’ve sent multiple “rebalance-stop” commands, which come back stating it was stopped.

We’ve checked the Couchbase logs, and server logs, and nothing stand out as an error.

Any ideas?


Hi Mike,
What VM are you running on Azure does it meet the minimum resource requirements.

We would need few more details from you to investigate. Can you open a Couchbase JIRA issue and provide below information

  • steps you performed

  • if you’ve collected the logs please attach them to the JIRA issue

We are running a Standard_D12 instance with 4 cores, and 28G of RAM.
I’ll open up a Jira ticket per your instructions.


Okay great thank you.