App rejected because CBL sqlite file gets backup to iCloud

Has anyone run into this issue? I think the solution is simple, we just need to mark the file to be excluded from the backup but we have been using this code for a while (recently upgraded from 1.2 beta to 1.2.1)

NSError *e;
self.database = [self.manager existingDatabaseNamed:DB_ENVIRONMENT error: &e];
if (e) {
CCLog(@“Local database err (This may be normal, don’t panic): %@”, e);

    e = nil;
    if (!self.database) {
            NSString* cannedDbPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: DB_ENVIRONMENT
                                                                     ofType: @"cblite2"];

            BOOL ok = [self.manager replaceDatabaseNamed: DB_ENVIRONMENT
            if (!ok) {
                    CCLog(@"Error replacing database: %@", e);
            e = nil;
            self.database = [self.manager existingDatabaseNamed:DB_ENVIRONMENT error: &e];
            if (!ok) {
                    CCLog(@"Error getting database: %@", e);
    self.database.maxRevTreeDepth   = MAX_REV_TREE_DEPTH;
    if (e) {
            CCLog(@"Error creating database: %@", e);
    } else {
            CCLog(@"Connected to local database: %@.cblite", DB_ENVIRONMENT);