BackBuffer controllable in any way?

I did some Tests with this Setup and noticed a pretty huge slowdown caused by concatMap
If someone googles this and does not require the order use flatMap


  • Localhost, 4.0.0-2213 DEV Edition (build-2213), no memory Limits
  • .requestBufferSize(131072) (High enough to not result in any BackPressureExceptions)
  • At the end i wait for multiple view-Queries to finish:
    while (!accountSub.isUnsubscribed() || !userSub.isUnsubscribed() || !regionSub.isUnsubscribed()) {
        try { Thread.sleep(10);    } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } 

Old Code or new Code with .flatMap. About 30k-50k OPS + 20k Ops of the last Data-View
Basically this is bound by my CPU-Speed. The Java-App + CB take 99%
(Slowdown at the end caused by a view-Query that is dependent on another query to finish first)

With BackPressure-Checks and .concatMap. About 25k OPS + 20k Ops of the last Data-View
This is no longer bound by my CPU-Speed. The Java-App + CB take 65%**
(Slowdown at the end caused by a view-Query that is dependent on another query to finish first)

Code Example

    asyncBucket.query(ViewQuery.from("getAll", "regions").stale(Stale.FALSE))
    .flatMap(x -> x.rows())
    .**concatMap**(row -> {
        return Observable.defer(() -> row.document())
        .delay(Delay.exponential(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 500, 1)).build());
    .map(doc -> Region.fromJson(doc.content())).toBlocking().forEach(region -> regions.put(region.getName(), region));