Basic document/bucket design questions for muti timezone/language/country sites

Thanks for your answer.

Answer 0) My intention is to use Couchbase Views only for minimal query in the early versions of my application. Couchbase is still new to me and I need to understand all the features it can offer before adding ElasticSearch.
As I read it, adding ElasticSearch capabilities to Couchbase is not like adding a software layer to it, one must build an ElasticSearch database first, decide which data will be duplicated (transfered from Couchbase to ElasticSearch) and how this duplicated data will be synchronized.

  1. ok, you suggest storing the timestamp as a long. The user’s timezone will depend on his connection ( a same user could connect from different timezones) so I keep that info in his session and the date / time values will be transformed according to the session’ timezone, before sending to the client side.

  2. wow designing primary keys that includes application data, not easy for somebody coming from the RDBMS world :slight_smile:
    In Couchbase all documents are equal (no mandatory type), the only retrieval method included by default is the retrieval by id, in RDBMS by creating a table one can retrieve rows only by knowing the name of the table.
    So the selection of the format of the ids is important.
    I found this unofficial site:
    An official site backed by couchbase for Couchbase document design (and ids) Best practices would have been better :slight_smile:

