Build error cb-4.5.0 with private repos

Hi folks,

I’m trying to build my own cb-4.5.0 version for testing MDS feature, but I faced with several errors with private repos.

The building process issued and errors:

repo init -u git:// -m released/4.5.0.xml
repo sync -j4

[ 96%] Built target minify
[ 96%] Built target memcached
Scanning dependencies of target memcached_testapp
../../../../../../goproj/src/ cannot find package "" in any of:
	/home/couchbase/.cbdepscache/exploded/x86_64/go-1.4.2/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/home/couchbase/couchbase-4.5.0/goproj/src/ (from $GOPATH)
[ 96%] -- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
-- @ 'go install' failed! Re-running as 'go build' to help debug...
-- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[ 96%] Building CXX object memcached/tests/testapp/CMakeFiles/memcached_testapp.dir/__/__/daemon/
Building CXX object memcached/tests/testapp/CMakeFiles/memcached_testapp.dir/__/__/utilities/
../../../../../../goproj/src/ cannot find package "" in any of:
	/home/couchbase/.cbdepscache/exploded/x86_64/go-1.4.2/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/home/couchbase/couchbase-4.5.0/goproj/src/ (from $GOPATH)
CMake Error at /home/couchbase/couchbase-4.5.0/tlm/cmake/Modules/go-install.cmake:84 (MESSAGE):
  Failed running go install

Is there any way to skip these private repos within building process?


It looks like the build is trying to pull in an EE-only file: couchbase/query/datastore/couchbase/get_inferencer_ee.go I suggest you look at the CMake files for the query component and change so they pull in the CE version of that file.

Thanks @drigby

I managed to solve this error by removing get_inferencer_ee.go file and by changing the +build flag on:


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