Can I get a history of Memory issues?

I am using Membase server 1.7.2.

There is a continuing decrease in free memory, and some unbelievable statistical data.

However, Membase server 1.7.2 is too old to find the data is very difficult.

Can I check if there was a big memory issue after Membase Server version 1.7.2?

Which one should you choose for the most stable version?

stat 1. two node replica_curr_items none
[Left(when Issue stat) / Right(when normal stat)]

1 node - 2 replica

1,3 node too many replica stat
2,4 node replica none

Node - 1
curr_items -> 377491/414453
vb_replica_curr_items -> 10425536/829999

Node - 2
curr_items -> 383384/420429
vb_replica_curr_items -> 0/831116

Node - 3
curr_items -> 377877/414262
vb_replica_curr_items -> 10603310/830212

Node - 4
curr_items -> 383150/420267
vb_replica_curr_items -> 0/830709

stat 2. More than 100 times difference
[Left(when Issue stat) / Right(when normal stat)]

ep_bg_fetched -> 2176105/0
ep_commit_time_total -> 51599008351/5570838
ep_diskqueue_items -> 641450407/633768
ep_diskqueue_memory -> 56447635816/55771584
ep_diskqueue_pending -> 201470649572/128580374
ep_expired -> 205175389885/172392843
ep_io_num_read -> 2176873/0
ep_io_read_bytes -> 624829812/0
ep_num_active_non_resident -> 10323325/0
ep_num_eject_failures -> 161119834/0
ep_num_eject_replicas -> 103088739/0
ep_num_non_resident -> 16768831/0
ep_num_not_my_vbuckets -> 5898/8368508
ep_num_pager_runs -> 20546/0
ep_num_value_ejects -> 115591616/0
ep_pending_ops_max_duration -> 0/75323
ep_storage_age_highwat -> 4294967295/11539
ep_too_old -> 0/1426329
ep_too_young -> 134793/0
ep_vbucket_del -> 1/780
ep_vbucket_del_total_walltime -> 26932/8323312
ep_warmup_time -> 3167194/11148
get_misses -> 207714469157/597466795
tap_connect_received -> 3/1060
vb_active_eject -> 12502877/0
vb_active_num_non_resident -> 10323325/0
vb_active_ops_reject -> 134793/0
vb_active_perc_mem_resident -> 0/100
vb_active_queue_age -> 4312177000/431741583187000
vb_replica_eject -> 103088739/0
vb_replica_num_non_resident -> 6445506/0
vb_replica_queue_age -> 1066178329754685000/999121432430000
vb_replica_queue_memory -> 56439928952/38455472
vb_replica_queue_pending -> 201443403603/104791634
vb_replica_queue_size -> 641362829/436994

1.7.2 is pretty ancient now. You /could/ scan through our bugDB ( but to be honest I think you’ll struggle to exactly identify what happened.

Personally I’d look to test a supported version of Couchbase (4.5.1 is latest as of writing) and start testing a migration to that.