Can't connect to couchbase via C SDK

Not sure what version I am using right now. I have not updated it since I initially installed it about a year ago. There are/were a lot of bugs in the libcouchbase code, so once I worked around all those, I didn’t want to change! Oddly, one of the two main bugs I found had to do with the bootstrap callback, so I ended up not using it. The other had to do with setting timeouts. If you set a timeout, once that interval expires, libcouchbase will trap on some Windows OS function (forgot what it was). Here’s my current “start up” code (relevant part anyway), with the bootstap and timeout stuff commented out.

The documention I was using at the time was the version before this new Doxygen version. The old version was better because it was easier to find what you were looknig for. The new version would be okay if there was a search function, IMHO.


int CCouchbase::open (const char * host, const char * database) {

    // init the config

    CBuffer url(host == NULL ? DBHost.Data() : host);
    //url.Cat (":8091");

	memset (&myopts, 0, sizeof(myopts));

	myopts.version = 1; = url.Data();
	myopts.v.v1.bucket = (database == NULL ? DBName.Data() : database);
	myopts.v.v1.user = DBUser.Data();
	myopts.v.v1.passwd = DBPwd.Data();
	myopts.v.v1.type = LCB_TYPE_BUCKET;
	lcb_error_t cberr = lcb_create (&mycbi, &myopts);

	// configure handlers

	lcb_set_configuration_callback (mycbi, configCallback);
	lcb_set_error_callback (mycbi, errorCallback);
	lcb_set_get_callback (mycbi, getCallback);
	lcb_set_store_callback (mycbi, putCallback);
	lcb_set_remove_callback (mycbi, deleteCallback);
	//lcb_set_bootstrap_callback (mycbi, bootstrapCallback);

    // setup timeouts

    //lcb_uint32_t timeout = 10*1000*1000;
    //lcb_set_timeout (mycbi, timeout);
    //lcb_cntl(mycbi, LCB_CNTL_SET, LCB_CNTL_OP_TIMEOUT, &timeout);