Cbbackup error u'error: SASL auth failed: 10.xxx.x.xxx:11210, Memcached error #32: Auth failure', None

when executing the command:
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackup http://10.xxx.x.xxx:8091 /opt/couchbase/backups -m full -u admin -p pasword

I am getting the error :slight_smile:
(u’error: SASL auth failed: 10.xxx.x.xxx:11210, Memcached error #32: Auth failure’, None)

  1. when doing telnet to 10.xxx.x.xxx:11210 it works fine.
  2. The cbbackup command is executed from the gateway server, and not from the couchbase server.
  3. ON the gateway server installed “couchbase server 6 community”, i installed it just for the couchbase cli tool.
  4. the cbbackup is running against “couchbase server 4”.

what is the reason for the error?


Hi @Itzik.Paz I’m having the same issue here. did you manage to solve it in the end?
Chag Sameach:)

The error being reported is authentication one. First of all please check that the username and password are correct. Then check the memcached.log on the Couchbase Server nodes it will have more details on why the authentication fail.