Cbbackupmgr backup failing


cbbackupmgr is failing with the below error.

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup -a /db/couchbase/data/backup -r cbbackup \
>  -c couchbase:// -u Administrator -p "rG\%?QZ1KNP8"

Backing up to 2020-10-07T04_07_32.308952465-04_00
Copying at 25.23KB/s (>24h remaining)                                                                                                               5588 items / 3.06MB
content-data            [=====================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
enriched-data           [=====================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
vod-content             [=====================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
live                    [=====================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
rule-config             [                                                                                                                                     ]   0.00%
Error backing up cluster: Unable to find the latest vBucket sequence numbers, this may be because a node in the cluster is unreachable
Backed up bucket "content-data" failed
Mutations backed up: 4, Mutations failed to backup: 0
Deletions backed up: 2, Deletions failed to backup: 0
Backed up bucket "enriched-data" failed
Mutations backed up: 1326, Mutations failed to backup: 0
Deletions backed up: 37, Deletions failed to backup: 0
Backed up bucket "vod-content" failed
Mutations backed up: 744, Mutations failed to backup: 0
Deletions backed up: 2366, Deletions failed to backup: 0
Backed up bucket "live" failed
Mutations backed up: 198, Mutations failed to backup: 0
Deletions backed up: 911, Deletions failed to backup: 0
Backed up bucket "rule-config" failed
Mutations backed up: 0, Mutations failed to backup: 0
Deletions backed up: 0, Deletions failed to backup: 0

Could you please help fix this.


Hello @prasanpd,

Sorry to hear that you’re having issues with backups. To help debug this further can provide the following:

  • The version of Couchbase Server for both cbbackupmgr and the cluster.
  • A snippet from the backup logs at the time.
  • A snippet from the memcached logs at the time.

Kind regards,