CBLLiveQuery Instance not recognizing added document

Unfortunately, I am not seeing any message concerning the query in question until stop and start is called again. My logs are here (postByDate is the troublesome query):

2015-06-05 20:25:35.480 xxx[11046:3729961] SYNC progress: 2 / 3
2015-06-05 20:25:35.482 xxx[11046:3729961] Query: CBLLiveQuery[byName]: Async query database3/byName…
2015-06-05 20:25:35.561 xxx[11046:3729961] Query: CBLLiveQuery[byName]: …async query finished (3 rows)
2015-06-05 20:25:37.310 xxx[11046:3729961] SYNC progress: 3 / 4
2015-06-05 20:25:50.611 xxx[11046:3729961] Query: CBLLiveQuery[byName]: Will update after 0 sec…
2015-06-05 20:25:50.612 xxx[11046:3729961] SYNC progress: 4 / 4
2015-06-05 20:25:50.613 xxx[11046:3729961] Query: CBLLiveQuery[byName]: Async query database3/byName…
2015-06-05 20:25:50.646 xxx[11046:3729961] Query: CBLLiveQuery[byName]: …async query finished (3 rows)
2015-06-05 20:25:50.646 xxx[11046:3729961] Query: CBLLiveQuery[byName]: …Rows changed! (now 3)

*** Calls function to add document ***

2015-06-05 20:25:50.650 xxx[11046:3729961] SYNC progress: 4 / 5
2015-06-05 20:25:50.686 xxx[11046:3729961] SYNC progress: 5 / 5
2015-06-05 20:25:51.139 xxx[11046:3729961] SYNC progress: 5 / 6
2015-06-05 20:25:51.258 xxx[11046:3729961] SYNC progress: 6 / 7

*** calls stop() & start() from viewWillDisappear and viewWillAppear (switching tabs) ***

2015-06-05 20:25:58.377 xxx[11046:3729961] Query: CBLLiveQuery[postByDate]: Async query database3/postByDate…
2015-06-05 20:25:58.422 xxx[11046:3729961] Query: CBLLiveQuery[postByDate]: …async query finished (18 rows)
2015-06-05 20:25:58.423 xxx[11046:3729961] Query: CBLLiveQuery[postByDate]: …Rows changed! (now 18)

  • app name replaced with xxx