CHANGE_EVENT not received

Thank you,

I posed there as well.

The updates to the data are done by hand slowly. I receive a CHANGE_EVENT in my code, and after I’ve seen that then I’m updating the data again so I’m not sure about coalescing the changes in a single change event. What do you think?

Here is how I see this issue: In a terminal I run curl -u user:password -X GET This returns my data like this: {"_id":“session:100”,"_rev":“25-e6f75cb8c030d7cf660fcfbb6b1d5a35”,“ab”:“JS _proto”,“title”:“Prototyping JS The Right Way”,“type”:“session”}

Next I update the data with using the same _rev number in a PUSH like this: curl -X PUT -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d ‘{“title”:“Name Change - Prototyping JS The Only Way”, “type”:“session”, “ab”:“JS _proto”, “_rev”:“25-e6f75cb8c030d7cf660fcfbb6b1d5a35”}’

The update works great and in my debugger I receive the CHANGE_EVENT in my code. If I repeat the same process again and get the new revision number and update the data to have a different title I do not receive the CHANGE_EVENT in my code. Each time however I can see in the debugger that my emitter mapping code is processed.