ClientFailure when Getting concurrently

Hi @jmorris,

Thanks for your effort to help me solve this issue.

  1. What’s NMV ? :confused:
  2. Usually ClientFailure does mean a de-serialization error that I eventually find and fix. In this scenario, perhaps it is possible that the data was not returned, or returned null or corrupted and thus caused serialization error. I can also say that the doc JSON integrity is good and that the doc is accessibly through the console.
  3. This Authentication messages occur only to that specific doc while the same connection easily returns other docs in the same bucket, hence the bucket, connection, credentials, etc. are working properly.
  4. Usually removing a node and then restoring it takes an hour of work from me and about the same downtime for the system. So, no, I don’t want to do it at all. Anyway, it doesn’t always help.
  5. Waiting anxiously for 2.1.0 :stuck_out_tongue:
  6. Also waiting for the next community version :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  7. I’m trying to hold in there, but it is very challenging :cold_sweat:
  8. I thought of another reason that might cause this issue. I’m using 2 web servers concurrently with the cluster, so perhaps there is a collision. Check this