Combining LET statements

I have a document that has teams split into home and away, along with the home score and away score. I want to get an array of all the winning teams. I can individually get the away winners or the home winners but when I try to combine the LETs I get and error.

The data is:

INSERT INTO default VALUES( “games”, {“week1”: {“games”: [{“gameid”: 1,“away”: “fleet”,“home”: “rangers”,“awayScore”: 1,“homeScore”: 3,“gameComplete”: true},{“gameid”: 2,“away”: “flyers”,“home”: “lions”,“awayScore”: 4,“homeScore”: 1,“gameComplete”: true},{“gameid”: 3,
“away”: “deers”,“home”: “pelicans”,“awayScore”: 7,“homeScore”: 2,“gameComplete”: true},{“gameid”: 4,“away”: “badBoys”,“home”: “killers”,“awayScore”: 2,“homeScore”: 3,“gameComplete”: true},{“gameid”: 5,“away”: “saints”,“home”: “sinners”,“awayScore”: 4,“homeScore”: 0,“gameComplete”: true}]}});

If I run these two queries I get the proper results back:
SELECT RAW teamsAway
LET teamsAway = (SELECT RAW games.away
FROM default AS g USE KEYS "games"
WHERE games.gameComplete = true AND games.awayScore > games.homeScore)

SELECT RAW teamsHome
LET teamsHome = (SELECT RAW games2.away
FROM default AS g2 USE KEYS "games"
UNNEST AS games2
WHERE games2.gameComplete = true AND games2.awayScore > games2.homeScore)

But if I try to combine them I get an error:
SELECT RAW teamsAway
LET teamsAway = (SELECT RAW games.away
FROM default AS g USE KEYS "games"
WHERE games.gameComplete = true AND games.awayScore > games.homeScore)

LET teamsHome = (SELECT RAW games2.away
FROM default AS g2 USE KEYS "games"
UNNEST AS games2
WHERE games2.gameComplete = true AND games2.awayScore > games2.homeScore)

“code”: 3000,
“msg”: “syntax error - at LET”,
“query_from_user”: “SELECT RAW teamsAway\n LET teamsAway = (SELECT RAW games.away\n FROM default AS g USE KEYS “games”\n UNNEST AS games\n WHERE games.gameComplete = true AND games.awayScore > games.homeScore)\n\t\n LET teamsHome = (SELECT RAW games2.away\n FROM default AS g2 USE KEYS “games”\n UNNEST AS games2\n WHERE games2.gameComplete = true AND games2.awayScore > games2.homeScore)”

LET keyword allowed once, multiple lets needs to separated by comma like below

SELECT teamsAway, teamsHome
LET teamsAway = (SELECT RAW games.away
                               FROM default AS g USE KEYS "games"
                              UNNEST AS games
                              WHERE games.gameComplete = true AND games.awayScore > games.homeScore),
         teamsHome = (SELECT RAW games2.away
                              FROM default AS g2 USE KEYS "games"
                              UNNEST AS games2
                              WHERE games2.gameComplete = true AND games2.awayScore > games2.homeScore);

If you need to combine results into single array ARRAY_CONCAT(teamsAway, teamsHome)

Thanks, I missed that on the LET statement

Can the results of one LET be used in another LET query.
In the above case, can teamsAway be used within the query for teamsHome?

Chaining of LET is not allowed MB-19772. But you can repeat whole query