Couchbase API : see installed services

I can’t find the API endpoints to see what service is installed in a node (between data, index, n1ql).
Could somebody help me on this point ?

Hey Anthony,

You can get this info for a whole cluster from the /pools/default endpoint documented here. In each object in the nodes array, there’s a services array for that node. As a quick example:

$ curl -sS | jq '.nodes[] | .hostname, .services'

Thank you for this quick answer.

Also, the way to add multiple services is not clear on the doc.

What is the available services list (data index n1ql or kv index, n1ql) ?
Should I separate services by a comma or another separator in the API call ?
What about “fts” that is in your exemple ?
Ref :

1 -

curl -u Administrator:password -v -X POST http://[localhost]:8091/node/controller/setupServices 
  -d services=[data | index | n1ql]

2 -

curl -u [admin]:[password]
  -d "hostname=[IPaddress]&user=[admin]&password=[password]"
  -d "services=[data | index | n1ql]"

3 -

curl -u [admin]:[password]
  -d hostname=[IPaddress] user=[admin] password=[password] services=[kv|index|n1ql]