Couchbase Sync Gateway Conflict Resolver sometimes deleting a document

I am using the code provided in this guide to resolve conflicts. For now I am just using the latest revision as the winning revision. The problem is sometimes a document with conflicts is being deleted even though there is no deletion/tombstoning that happened.

Any ideas what might have caused the deletion? Is there a better way to implement conflict resolution in the server?


Can you post your exact steps (ideally curl requests) and the expected vs actual behavior?

Also, please mention your Sync Gateway revs_limit parameter if you have changed the default value.

Hi traun about the steps I just copied exactly the implementation of so my expectation is it won’t delete anything. Does this answer your question? I am not sure about the curl requests.

revs_limit is the default value.

Hi we are still experiencing deleting of documents because of the conflict resolver. @traun We really need your help here.