Couchbase Tracing in .Net Core

I have .net core webapi which has couchbase calls using CouchbaseNetClient 2.7.12 sdk.
I have enabled couchbase tracing in my web api I am getting below log but not getting query execution time in logs. i have updated logs with dummy values.

dbug: Couchbase.N1QL.QueryClient[0]
http://dummycouchbaseserver url/query[“statement”:“WITH tmp_tbl as (SELECT * FROM SampleBucket WHERE Postal= ‘00000’) SELECT tmp_tbl.* FROM tmp_tbl WHERE tmp_tbl.XYZin [‘1111’]”,“timeout”:“75000ms”,“creds”:[“user”:“local:DummyUser”,“pass”:“DummyPwd”],“client_context_id”:“3::0”]

@Wahid_Kazi have you tried the QueryTimer ?

Follow the tests here, hope this helps