Couchbase web console problem in google chrome

I’m experiencing strange behavior with Web Console in Google Chrome (v 28.0.1500.72 m).

When I’m trying to get details of bucket, there is an error:

"Lost connection to server at …:8091. Repeating in 56 seconds. "
“Difficulties communicating with the cluster; displaying cached information!”

Addidional info:

  • the problem is present in only one bucket (1 of 5)
  • the problem is present only in Google Chrome - in Firefox works fine

In console I see somehting like this:
failed GET requests to: http://[IP]:8091/pools/default/buckets/[bucketName]/nodes?_=1375167779690 with following error:
send jquery.js:7869
jQuery.extend.ajax jquery.js:7347
sendXHR cells.js:1074
mkClass.forceAction cells.js:971
mkClass.onTimeout cells.js:999

failed GET request to: http://[IP]:8091/pools/default/buckets/[bucketName]/stats?resampleForUI=1&zoom=minute&_=1375167752506

with following error:
send jquery.js:7869
jQuery.extend.ajax jquery.js:7347
sendXHR cells.js:1074
S.performGet cells.js:1076
initiateXHR cells.js:768
startInner cells.js:170
(anonymous function) analytics.js:29
(anonymous function) cells.js:172
Future.start cells.js:145
getCPS analytics.js:41
doGet analytics.js:63
nonRealtimeLoop analytics.js:87
(anonymous function) analytics.js:78
Future.start cells.js:145
_.extend.completeCellDelay cells.js:646
_.extend.completeGeneration cells.js:639
mkClass.tryUpdatingValue cells.js:418

Is it something that you can reproduce with specific steps or something that occurs randomly?

What happen if you restart the tab/chrome?

I can reproduce this problem:

  1. login to console
  2. click “data buckets” from main menu
  3. click bucket name on buckets list
  4. there is an error

The problem is with one bucket only. I already tried resetting all settings in google chrome and clearing all data (cache, history etc) by using ctrl + shift + del. It didn’t help.

Aha, Couchbase version on all nodes - 2.1.0.