Delete vs setting up TTL

I need to delete 30 million documents from a bucket in Couchbase 6.6.2. Which will be a better option to delete?

  1. Fire a delete N1QL query
  2. Set the TTL to 1 minute for 30 million documents

I need to delete any random 30 million documents(not any specific document)


If you know the document keys Set TTL and let expiration take care without strain on system
Also explore eventing Delete v Expiry | Couchbase Docs

use similar technique What is the fastest way to update several million Docs cc @jon.strabala

Hi @rajib761

I think this should fit the bill (using Eventing) to try it out load the `travel-sample` data set, it only takes about 6 lines of JavaScript code (no comments) to do what you want.

Below I do an approximate deletion of 25% from 24024 docs but it will work for 30M or greater. The Eventing function only relies on the data service or KV it does not use N1QL.

Look at the # routes via N1QL you should see exactly 24,024 docs in travel-sample

select 24024 as init, count(*) as cur, count(*)/24024 as ratio 
    from `travel-sample` where type = "route"

The set up the below Eventing Function and deploy it.

// Example of deleting 25% of the documents from a bucket 
// in a random fashion via Eventing.

// Version 6.6.X
//   "Source Bucket".            `travel-sample`
//   "MetaData Bucket".          `metadata`
//   Feed Boundary:               Everything
//   Workers (expand the settings caret). 
//.        12 (for performance set to the # cores)
//   Binding(s)
//       "binding type",  "alias name.",   "bucket",      "Access"
//.       ==========================================================
//    1.  "bucket alias",  "src_bkt",    "travel-sample"  "read and write"

function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
    // comment out if a filter on "type" is not needed
    if (doc.type !== "route") return;
    // There are 24024 route docs in `travel-sample` assume we have 
    // say we want to delete 25% of them or about 6006 doc.
    if (Math.random() <= 0.25) {
        delete src_bkt[];

Wait until done and undeploy the above Eventing Function.

Look at the # routes via N1QL again you should see approx 75% of 24,024

select 24024 as init, count(*) as cur, count(*)/24024 as ratio 
    from `travel-sample` where type = "route"

Hope this helps

Jon Strabala

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