Does the Community Edition 6.0.0 build 1693 support Eventing service or not

I’m having confusing results, because this page says the Community Edition does have eventing service.

But so far I have been failing to see eventing service. It is not shown in web-ui

and when i try do the join to my cluster, i got unsupported service combination error

# curl -u "admin:admin" -d clusterMemberHostIp=ipOfMyCluster -d clusterMemberPort=8091 -d 'user=admin' -d 'password=admin' http://ipOfMyNewNode:8091/node/controller/doJoinCluster -d "services=eventing"

["Prepare join failed. Unsupported service combination. Community edition supports only the following combinations: \"data\", \"data, index, query\", \"data, index, query, full text search\""]

Please help me anyone with, this. If Community version does not support Eventing service then just say so.


Sorry for the mistake @rusyasoft - Eventing is indeed EE only today. I’ve logged DOC-5441 to fix this incorrect information ASAP.


@Siri It’s a little embarrassing that your Product Comparison Page still has this issue. One of my engineers just spent a notable amount of time trying to figure out why eventing wasn’t installing on the Community Edition because your documentation is inaccurate.

Yes, I’ve asked this to be corrected urgently today. It should be fixed in a few days at latest.

I’m sorry for the time lost @jeffhoward001

Thank you,

They have corrected it now. Good job Couchbase :slight_smile: