Empty list of users in sync gateway admin interface


I have empty list of users in the sync gateway admin interfase, But I already have about 100 users in sync gateway. And when I try to view list of users I get error in log:

2019-01-16T13:22:09.732+03:00 [INF] HTTP:  #017: GET /petclinic/_config (as ADMIN)
2019-01-16T13:22:09.741+03:00 [INF] HTTP:  #018: GET /petclinic/_view/principals?state=false (as ADMIN)
2019-01-16T13:22:09.741+03:00 [INF] HTTP: JSON view "sync_gateway_2.1"/"principals" - opts map[]
2019-01-16T13:22:09.746+03:00 [INF] HTTP: #018:     --> 500 Internal error: not_found - Design document _design/sync_gateway_2.1 not found  (4.6 ms)
2019-01-16T13:22:09.776+03:00 [INF] HTTP:  #019: GET /petclinic/_changes?limit=10&include_docs=true (as ADMIN)

Sync_gateway config:

    "log_keys": ["*"],
    "adminInterface": "",
    "interface": "",
    "CORS": {
        "origin": ["*"],
        "loginorigin": ["*"],
        "headers": ["Content-Type"],
        "maxAge": 1728000
    "databases": {
        "petclinic": {
            "server": "http://localhost:8091",
            "bucket": "petclinic",
            "enable_shared_bucket_access": true,
            "num_index_replicas": 0,
            "revs_limit": 20,
            "username": "****",
            "password": "**********",
            "users": {
                "GUEST": {"disabled": true}
            "roles": {
                "editor": {
                    "admin_channels": ["ch_editor"]
            "sync": `
function(doc, oldDoc) {

What can I do to solve this issue?

This post would be relevant to you. The short of it is to not rely on the admin UI