Enyim.caching in Couchbase .NET client causing problems with NuGet packages and other libraries which use officially released enyim.caching 2.12.0

Hi invisibletank -

We forked Enyim.Memcached a few years back because the maintainer didn’t have the time and/or resources to properly maintain it. That being said, it’s taken it’s own development path and, pardon the pun, that ship has sailed.

The CouchbaseClient was built on top of the existing Enyim.Memcached by creating an extending interfaces and augmenting the client with Couchbase features. At Couchbase, we support the CouchbaseClient officially and unofficially the MemcachedClient (the forked version only).

The MemcachedClient is what is provided by Enyim.Memcached, so why not just use the version packaged with the Couchbase client and remove the dependencies on the Enyim.Memcached package? AFAIK, the interface is the same.
