Error when we try to deploy CouchbaseCluster using operator

Getting the below error when we try to deploy a cluster with the operator

time=“2020-02-13T21:42:26Z” level=warning cluster-name=satishtest module=cluster
time=“2020-02-13T21:42:27Z” level=info msg=“deleted pod (satishtest-0000)” cluster-name=satishtest module=cluster
time=“2020-02-13T21:42:27Z” level=error msg=“Cluster setup failed: fail to create member’s pod (satishtest-0000): pods "satishtest-0000" is forbidden: [maximum cpu usage per Container is 400m, but limit is 1., maximum memory usage per Container is 1500M, but limit is 3Gi., maximum cpu usage per Container is 400m, but limit is 1., maximum memory usage per Container is 1500M, but limit is 3Gi.]” cluster-name=satishtest module=cluster
time=“2020-02-13T21:42:27Z” level=warning msg=“Fail to handle event: ignore failed cluster (satishtest). Please delete its CR”

This is a confusing error. Maximum CPU/Memory is well below its limit. So why is it complaining?

This error message is directly from Kubernetes and not affected by the Operator. If you read the documentation it should tell you why and how to fix it.