Failed to replicate attachment, CBL 2.8 and Sync Gateway 2.0 -> Sync+: [60b9a4a8] Error: Incorrect proof for attachment


I am starting to use CBL 2.8. We use image attachments in our documents.
Sometimes attachments does not get delivered correctly or delivered at all.

In our web interface I see partially uploaded images (example just 1/3 of an image) or just empty images.

In Sync Gateway logs I see following:

2021-02-15T09:32:07.902+03:00 WS: [60b9a4a8] Error: parseLoop closing socket due to error: io: read/write on closed pipe

2021-02-15T09:32:07.883+03:00 DCP+: Persisting checkpoint for vbno 865
2021-02-15T09:32:07.902+03:00 Sync+: [60b9a4a8] Error: Incorrect proof for attachment sha1-3gWl8gQUeGjBYfbYD9Kel5c7QWw= : I sent nonce aa27d0c28ba48825ba97ca435a78a65bf01b666b, expected proof “sha1-WTAkHl2gKHZ8/YwNAqODN6VphNM=”, got “”. User:xxx
2021-02-15T09:32:07.902+03:00 Sync+: [60b9a4a8] Error: Incorrect proof for attachment sha1-eExdceEzTYJvpjMy3++1kZ1e1eM= : I sent nonce 3d2ce37364b5fb710fd9123029355e2a0e2521f5, expected proof “sha1-62lFs7GogyOhnweMdZ+GP8YO/Wg=”, got “”. User:xxx
2021-02-15T09:32:07.902+03:00 SyncMsg: [60b9a4a8] #223: Type:rev → 403 Incorrect proof for attachment sha1-3gWl8gQUeGjBYfbYD9Kel5c7QWw= Time:10.311603218s User:xxx

P.S.: Does this stuff related to this bug Loading... or this

Duplicate of CBL 2.8 Attachment errors “400 Incorrect data sent for attachment with digest” - #6 by Nikolay_Nikolaev. Will close.