Flags in CouchbaseMetaDoc Object

Well for anyone who would like a quick list of the potential error “codes” you might receive from the CouchbaseException (exception) object, I’ve compiled them into the following:

src: http://bit.ly/1yZsf1d
2 - Failure to connect to server/bucket resource
3 - Trying to increment an existing document that is not a number
4 - Data value exceeds constraints of size allowed on the server (150 bytes for key | 20 MB for value)
5 - Server is busy, try again
6 - Internal libcouchbase error
7 - Invalid parameters supplied to Couchbase function
8 - No more memory available to the server
9 - Invalid range
10 - Generic/ambiguous error
11 - Document is locked and/or incorrect CAS supplied
12 - Trying to add a document with a pre-existing key or provided the wrong CAS from another mutex operation
13 - Non-existing key
14 - I/O plug-in could not be located
15 - I/O plug-in didn't contain proper initialization routine
16 - Socket error
17 - Command forwarded to wrong server during rebalancing
18 - Trying to increment a non-existing document
19 - Unsupported functionality between server and client SDK (version mismatch)
20 - Unknown command
21 - DNS/Hostname lookup failed
22 - Data received on socket was not in expected format
23 - Client exceeded timeout limit
24 - Error while establishing TCP connection
25 - Bucket doesn't exist
26 - Memory allocation on client to do work (libcouchbase), failed
27 - Temporary failure on client side
28 - Bad handle type for operation
29 - Server bug
30 - Current version of libcouchbase can't load plug-in
31 - Invalid format for hostname in URI
32 - Illegal character
33 - Durability constraints requires more nodes/replicas than the cluster configuration allows
34 - Duplicate key in command list
35 - Possible fail-over occurring
36 - Environment variable incorrectly formatted
37 - Busy/internal error
38 - Username must match bucket name (or be NULL) for data access
39 - Contents of configuration cache were invalid, now fetching from network
40 - Server doesn't support specific SASL mechanism
41 - Maximum number of HTTP redirects reached
42 - Cluster map changed, operation couldn't be completed, try again
43 - Incomplete packet was passed
44 - Remote host refused connection
45 - Remote host closed connection
46 - Connection forcibly reset by remote host
47 - Couldn't assign local port for socket (for clients - too many TCP sockets open)
48 - System or process has reached its maximum number of file descriptors
49 - Remote host unreachable
50 - Control code passed was unrecognized
51 - Invalid modified for cntl operation
52 - Argument passed to cntl was badly formatted
53 - An empty key was passed to an operation
54 - Generic error in SSL subsystem was encountered
55 - Client couldn't verify server's certificate
56 - Internal error used for destroying unscheduled command data
57 - Feature not support by client because configuration in instance of options disabled when library compiled
58 - Operation structure contains conflicting options
59 - HTTP operation failed
60 - Item does not have synctoken object associated with it
61 - Server replied with unrecognized status code
62 - Mutation permanently lost due to node failing before replication

If any Couchbase dev would like to review my list and/or make corrections where necessary, please feel free. I summarized a couple of them. I will say that I find it somewhat annoying that I had to go looking for this, myself. I hope this helps someone else.