GO SDK Installing failure


I executed:

go get gopkg.in/couchbase/gocb.v1

And got,

/root/comply/src/github.com/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/agent.go:309:6: error: expected operand
for range routingInfo.servers {
/root/comply/src/github.com/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/agent.go:309:6: error: expected ‘{’
/root/comply/src/github.com/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/agent.go:309:6: error: expected ‘;’ or ‘}’ or newline
/root/comply/src/github.com/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/agent.go:315:1: error: expected declaration
/root/comply/src/github.com/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/timerpool.go:8:21: error: reference to undefined identifier ‘sync.Pool’
var globalTimerPool sync.Pool
/root/comply/src/github.com/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/agent.go:311:3: error: reference to undefined name ‘s’
s.Drain(func(req *memdQRequest) {

GO 1.7.3
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS

Hey @jul,

Would you be able to try and install the Go SDK using:
go get github.com/couchbase/gocb
as an experiment?

Cheers, Brett


go get github.com/couchbase/gocb


…/…/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/agent.go:309:6: error: expected operand
for range routingInfo.servers {
…/…/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/agent.go:309:6: error: expected ‘{’
…/…/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/agent.go:309:6: error: expected ‘;’ or ‘}’ or newline
…/…/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/agent.go:315:1: error: expected declaration
…/…/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/timerpool.go:8:21: error: reference to undefined identifier ‘sync.Pool’
var globalTimerPool sync.Pool
…/…/couchbase/gocb/gocbcore/agent.go:311:3: error: reference to undefined name ‘s’
s.Drain(func(req *memdQRequest) {

Hey @jul,
This looks like it might be a go version incompatibility. Let me see what I can do.
Cheers, Brett


My issue was a corrupted installation of GO 1.7.3. Everything is working now. Thank you for your help.