Group by Date Queries

I am wondering if there is a simple way to create a query which will get me the sale by a sales person grouped by month ?
For example i would like to run a query that will show me the total of sales by salesperson for each month for the year 2019 for example the below gets me all of 2019 but how can i group it by month ?

SELECT Record.Agents.ListingAgent.ListAgentFirstName || " " || Record.Agents.ListingAgent.ListAgentLastName AS Agent,
       COUNT(*) as NbrofTransactions,
       SUM(TONUMBER(Record.Prices.ClosePrice)) as TransactionVolume
FROM rets
WHERE Record.StandardStatus = "Closed" and Record.Dates.CloseDate >= '2019-01-01' and  Record.Dates.CloseDate < '2020-01-01'
GROUP BY Record.Agents.ListingAgent.ListAgentKeyNumeric,
SELECT agent, month,
       COUNT(1) AS NbrofTransactions,
       SUM(Record.Prices.ClosePrice) AS TransactionVolume
FROM rets
LET agent = CONCAT(Record.Agents.ListingAgent.ListAgentFirstName, " " , Record.Agents.ListingAgent.ListAgentLastName),
    month = DATE_PART_STR(Record.Dates.CloseDate,"month")
WHERE Record.StandardStatus = "Closed" and Record.Dates.CloseDate >= '2019-01-01' and  Record.Dates.CloseDate < '2020-01-01'
GROUP BY agent, month
ORDER BY NbrofTransactions  DESC;

Duplicate names want to add ListAgentKeyNumeric you can add in GROUP BY and projection

I don’t want to sound greedy, but is there a way to combine 2 queries like the above one and this one ?

SELECT agent,
       COUNT(1) AS NbrofTransactions,
       SUM(TO_NUMBER(Record.Prices.ClosePrice)) AS TransactionVolume
FROM rets
LET agent = CONCAT(Record.Agents.BuyerAgent.BuyerAgentFirstName, " " , Record.Agents.BuyerAgent.BuyerAgentLastName),
    month = DATE_PART_STR(Record.Dates.CloseDate,"month")
WHERE Record.StandardStatus = "Closed"
    AND Record.Dates.CloseDate >= '2019-01-01'
    AND Record.Dates.CloseDate < '2020-01-01'
    AND Record.Address.CountyOrParish = "Orange"
GROUP BY agent,

difference is the one will have the sales as a seller agent, the other as a buyer agent which is either
Record.Agents.BuyerAgent.BuyerAgentFirstName, " " , Record.Agents.BuyerAgent.BuyerAgentLastName
Record.Agents.ListingAgent.ListAgentFirstName, " " , Record.Agents.ListingAgent.ListAgentLastName

and i would ideally want a separate count and sum per month and agent

You can do UNION or UNION ALL and if needed you can sort on parent query.

FROM (SELECT agent, month,
                         COUNT(1) AS NbrofTransactions,
                         SUM(Record.Prices.ClosePrice) AS TransactionVolume
             FROM rets
           LET agent = CONCAT(Record.Agents.ListingAgent.ListAgentFirstName, " " , 
                      month = DATE_PART_STR(Record.Dates.CloseDate,"month")
            WHERE Record.StandardStatus = "Closed" and Record.Dates.CloseDate >= '2019-01-01' and  Record.Dates.CloseDate < '2020-01-01'
          GROUP BY agent, month
           SELECT agent,
                    COUNT(1) AS NbrofTransactions,
                    SUM(TO_NUMBER(Record.Prices.ClosePrice)) AS TransactionVolume
          FROM rets
         LET agent = CONCAT(Record.Agents.BuyerAgent.BuyerAgentFirstName, " " , Record.Agents.BuyerAgent.BuyerAgentLastName),
              month = DATE_PART_STR(Record.Dates.CloseDate,"month")
       WHERE Record.StandardStatus = "Closed"
    AND Record.Dates.CloseDate >= '2019-01-01'
    AND Record.Dates.CloseDate < '2020-01-01'
    AND Record.Address.CountyOrParish = "Orange"
       GROUP BY agent, month ) AS d
ORDER BY d.agent DESC;

If Each document either BuyerAgent or ListingAgnet possible you can do conditional in CONCAT with single query
agent = CONCAT( CASE Buyer THEN buyerFisrtname ELSE ListingFirstName END, …)

This works somewhat, is there a way to force the output to create even a row per month per agent even if he has no sale ? The reason i ask because it would make it easier to feed into a graph or spread sheet. In current query we only get data if an agent has a sale and it falls in a certain month.