How do I connect sync-gateway to couchbase running on a different server?

I have port 8091 open on the couchbase server I am trying to connect to (Couchbase v3.0.2) but when I run sync gateway on a different server (v1.1.0) it says it cannot connect. Port 8091 is the only port open, does sync gateway use other ports that need to be open as well? My sync gateway log shows this:

2015-09-04T13:24:07.162Z Enabling logging: [HTTP Access CRUD]
2015-09-04T13:24:07.162Z ==== Couchbase Sync Gateway/1.1.0(28;86f028c) ====
2015-09-04T13:24:07.162Z Configured Go to use all 4 CPUs; setenv GOMAXPROCS to override this
2015-09-04T13:24:07.162Z Configured process to allow 20000 open file descriptors
2015-09-04T13:24:07.162Z Opening db /todos as bucket "todos", pool "default", server <http://<hostname>:8091>
2015-09-04T13:24:07.163Z Opening Couchbase database todos on <http://<hostname>:8091>
2015/09/04 13:24:07  Trying with selected node 0

If I try to retrieve a document though with something like this: curl localhost:4985/todos/_user/<user id> it just says it cannot connect to host, which in this case means sync gateway but since it is running I take to mean that sync gateway cannot connect to couchbase server.