How to create index for UNNEST select query?

I created many select query with UNNEST. but i am unable to create index .

SELECT SUM(x.tAmount) As tamount FROM test AS c UNNEST c.tRefund AS x WHERE c.type="sales" AND c.tInvoiceId="' . $invoiceId . '" AND c.tRefund IS NOT NULL

CREATE INDEX sale1 ON test (tInvoiceId,tRefund[*].tAmount,tRefund) WHERE type="sales" AND tRefund IS NOT NULL;

CREATE INDEX sale12 ON test (tInvoiceId,tRefund.tAmount,tRefund) WHERE type="sales" AND tRefund IS NOT NULL;

is it correct?
thank you.

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CREATE INDEX sale12 ON test (tInvoiceId, ALL ARRAY tr.tAmount FOR tr IN tRefund END) 
WHERE type="sales";

SELECT SUM(tr.tAmount) As tamount 
FROM test AS c 
UNNEST c.tRefund AS tr 
WHERE c.type="sales" AND c.tInvoiceId="' . $invoiceId . '" AND tr.tAmount IS NOT NULL;

Make sure Unnest Alias tr and Array Index variable are same


Thank you @vsr1
How to create index with multiple array?
SELECT x.category.category_name AS catName, x.item_name AS itemName, SUM(x.quantity) AS qty, x.priceSelected.sku AS sku, x.priceSelected.variation AS variation, SUM(x.itemActualTotal) AS itemGross, SUM(r.Amount) AS Amount, SUM(p.tAmount) AS tAmount FROM test AS c UNNEST c.items AS x UNNEST c.tRefund AS r UNNEST c.tPayments AS p WHERE c.type="sales" AND c.owner="' . $username . '" AND c.tRefund[*].tRefundAmount!= "" AND x.quantity > 0 AND x.itemActualTotal >0 GROUP BY x.category.category_name, x.item_name , x.priceSelected.sku,x.priceSelected.variation order by itemGross desc

CREATE INDEX itemCatTxn ON test(owner, tInvoiceId,store_name, _sync.time_saved, ALL ARRAY x.category.category_name FOR x IN items END, ALL ARRAY x.item_name FOR x IN items END, ALL ARRAY x.priceSelected.sku FOR x IN items END, ALL ARRAY x.variation.sku FOR x IN items END, ALL ARRAY x.itemTotal FOR x IN items END, ALL ARRAY x.quantity FOR x IN items END, ALL ARRAY x.itemActualTotal FOR x IN items END, ALL ARRAY p.tAmount FOR p IN tPayments END, ALL ARRAY r.Amount FOR r IN tRefund END, tDateTime ) WHERE type="sales" ;


GSI CreateIndex() - cause: Fails to create index. Multiple expressions with ALL are found. Only one array expression is supported per index.

Thank you.

Only one array index key is possible. If you need multiple array keys create single array index key and store whole array as scalar. Then pos indexscan filter will applied.

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