How to delete all couchbase-elasticsearch-connector created replication checkpoint in a bucket

I would like to separate the replication checkpoint documents created in my main bucket to another bucket. I have created a bucket for this, but would like to know how do I delete all the cbes replication documents ?

Hi rpmansion,

Here are two ways to delete the checkpoints from the main bucket.

With checkpoint management tool

The command-line checkpoint management tool can delete all the documents:

Be sure to point it at a connector config file that tells it the checkpoints are stored in the main bucket.

It’s a good idea to make a backup first in case something goes wrong:

cbes-checkpoint-backup --config <connector-config.toml> --output checkpoints.json

Then delete the checkpoint documents:

cbes-checkpoint-clear --config <connector-config.toml>

With N1QL

Alternatively, you could delete the checkpoints with a N1QL query:

DELETE FROM `<bucket>` where meta().id LIKE '_connector:cbes:<group-name>:checkpoint:%'

where <bucket> is the bucket name, and <group-name> is the connector group name from the connector config. (“name” property in the “[group]” config section).
