How to query a Mutable Document?

Found the documentation on this topic here.

Used QueryBuilder to fetch an array of specific document based on some condition but was unable to find the complete JSON Object from an array as per the answer here it will not be supported to do so using Query.

Below is the Query i used to find options array from a specific document where Gender=‘F’.

   >  VariableExpression VAREXP= ArrayExpression.variable("OPTIONS");
> Query searchQuery =".options"))
>                 .from(DataSource.database(couchDB))
>                 .where("type").equalTo(Expression.string("SELECTDATA")).and("SELECTDATA_MYTABLENAME")))
>                         .and(ArrayExpression.any(VAREXP).in("options"))
>                                 .satisfies(ArrayExpression.variable("OPTIONS.parent").equalTo(Expression.string("F")))));

Modified above query and tried to find not complete JSON Object but a only description String inside options array but it returned null elements.

>   VariableExpression VAREXP= ArrayExpression.variable("OPTIONS");
>       Query searchQuery =".options.desc"))
>                       .from(DataSource.database(couchDB))
>                       .where("type").equalTo(Expression.string("SELECTDATA")).and("SELECTDATA_MYTABLENAME")))
>                               .and(ArrayExpression.any(VAREXP).in("options"))
>                                       .satisfies(ArrayExpression.variable("OPTIONS.parent").equalTo(Expression.string("F")))));

Is it not possible to find not complete object but a single value from array that is in document?