How to replace ids in array with objects

Given db with objects like:

    _id: "TI::1233",
    "_class": "com.model.Transaction",
    "linkedLists": [
    _id: "LI::f78067af-272d-4048-a2d1-b5358e14d70d",
    "_class": "com.model.ListItem",

Question: How to make a query to receive result like this:

    _id: "TI::1233",
    "_class": "com.model.Transaction",
    "linkedLists": [
        _id: "LI::f78067af-272d-4048-a2d1-b5358e14d70d",
        "_class": "com.model.ListItem",

Thanks in advance!

@Vladlan ,

Reconstruct array

ARRAY {"_id": v, "_class": "com.model.ListItem"} FOR v IN linkedLists END

If you are looking to change the document.

UPDATE mybucket AS b
SET b.linkedLists = ARRAY  {"_id": v,  "_class": "com.model.ListItem"} FOR v IN b.linkedLists END
WHERE ......

If query

SELECT b.*, 
       ARRAY {"_id": v, "_class": "com.model.ListItem"} FOR v IN b.linkedLists END AS linkedLists
FROM mybucket AS b
WHERE .....;


SELECT b.*, 
       (SELECT ll AS _id, "com.model.ListItem" AS _class FROM b.linkedLists AS ll) AS linkedLists
FROM mybucket AS b
WHERE .....;

@vsr1 , thanks for help, but what if objects with _class: "com.model.ListItem has more keys with different values, like

    _id: "LI::f78067af-272d-4048-a2d1-b5358e14d70d",
    _class: "com.model.ListItem",
   listType: "event",
   name: "some name",
   timestamp: "2021-03-31T16:16:34.351Z",
   ....(and others)


Thanks in advance

Not sure how it possible (If linkedLists as array of scalars ).
If it is already object and want to add new field class then use

ARRAY OBJECT_ADD(v,  "_class", "com.model.ListItem") FOR v IN b.linkedLists END AS linkedLists


(SELECT ll.*, "com.model.ListItem" AS _class FROM b.linkedLists AS ll) AS linkedLists

If you want add constant object
pass $newobj as named parameter or replace with constant

    "_class": "com.model.ListItem",
   "listType": "event",
   "name": "some name",
   "timestamp": "2021-03-31T16:16:34.351Z",
   ....(and others)
       ARRAY OBJECT_CONCAT({"_id": v}, $newobj) FOR v IN b.linkedLists END AS linkedLists
FROM mybucket AS b
WHERE .....;


       (SELECT ll AS _id, $newobj.* FROM b.linkedLists AS ll) AS linkedLists
FROM mybucket AS b
WHERE .....;