How To work with values at reduce functions?


I am trying to learn how to use map reduce functions with couch base. until now i created reports engines based on SQL using Where with multi terms (adding and subtracting terms) and to modify the group part.

I am trying to create this report engine using views.

my problem is how to create a report that enable users to dive in and find more and more data, getting all the way to individual ip stats.
For example. how many clicks where today ? which traffic source ? what did they see? which country ? and etc…

My basic doc for this example look like this:

“date”: “2014-01-13 10:00:00”,
“ip”: “111.222.333.444”,
“country”: “US”,
“date”: “2014-01-13 10:00:00”,
“ip”: “555.222.333.444”,
“country”: “US”,
“date”: “2014-01-13 11:00:00”,
“ip”: “111.888.888.888”,
“country”: “US”,
“date”: “2014-01-13 11:00:00”,
“ip”: “111.777.777.777”,
“country”: “US”,

So i want to allow the user to see at the first screen , how many clicks per day there are at this site.
so i need to count the amount of clicks. simple map/reduce:
function (doc, meta) {

group level 4, group true

will create the sum of clicks per hour.

Now if i want to allow a break down of countries, so i need a dynamic param to change… from what i am understand it can only by the group level…
so assume i have added this to the emit like this:


and then grouping level 5 will allow this divide, and using the key too focus on a certein date… but what if i need to add a county break down? adding this to the emit again?
this seem to be a mess, also if i will want to do a country stats before the source… is there any smarter way to do this?

Second part…

What if i want to get the first count as follow:

[2014,1,28,10] {ip:“555.222.333.444”,“111.222.333.444”,“count”:“2”}

i want to see all the ips that are counted for this time…
how should i write my reduce function?

this is my current state that doesnt work…

function(key, values, rereduce) {
var result = {id: 0, count: 0};
for(i=0; i < values.length; i++) {
if(rereduce) { = + (values[i]).ip +’,’;
result.count = result.count + values[i].count;
} else { = values.ip;
result.count = values.length;
return result;

i didnt get the answer format i was looking for…

i hope this is not to messy and that you could help me with this…



Try using the Elasticsearch plugin.
Store the json docs in couchbase and XDCR the doc to ElasticSearch. In ElasticSearch you can do ad-hoc and very complex queries better then SQL.
Elasticsearch will bring back a json list of couchbase keys.
In the couchbase SDK do a BulkGet(array_of_keys_in_couchbase) BOOM under a 1 millisecond.

Remember to do not have Elasticsearch store the whole doc or else the rest response from Elasticsearch will kill your speed.

You can get the plugin here