I have my class/property names with initial character capital

I have my class/property names with initial character capital. However, when couchbase document is updated, all column titles are lower. Is there any way to update it?

@rkbnair -

The default serializer settings for the SDK is store the JSON representation of the object in camel-case in Couchbase. If you would like to store the document as pascal-cased, you’ll have to provide custom serializer settings.

You can change override this behavior like this:

var config = new ClientConfiguration
    Serializer = ()=>new DefaultSerializer(new JsonSerializerSettings(), new JsonSerializerSettings())

The next question I have is, does it matter how the JSON is stored for your application? If your using the SDK, the serializer will handle the conversion from camel-cased JSON to your pascal-cased POCO’s.
