Importing and generating the key using a json array element

Hello, I am trying to import a json file where the key is inside an array. How could I use UUID below?

JSON example
{ “A”
{“B” : “xxx”,
“C” : “yyy”,
“UUID”: “00001-345678-AQ56000-5678AAA”
{“D” : “zzz”,
“E” : “www”

The command I’m using:
cbimport json -c couchbase:// -u usuario -p password -b Test -f lines -d file:“///home/user/test” -t 2 -g %A.UUID%
cbimport json -c couchbase:// -u usuario -p password -b Test -f lines -d file:“///home/user/test” -t 2 -g %A[0].UUID%

NONE have worked

Thanks in advance