Inconsistent query results in N1QL

We tested the query on the centos build with your data and the query works fine.
There is an issue with reinstalling Couchbase over existing indexes. If you reinstall Couchbase and previously had created the indexes, it retains some indexes in a invalid state. This is being tracked on our end. If you run the problematic query at this time you get empty results and an error message. Can you try a fresh install with no pre-existing indexes, and tell us if you still see the issue ?

cbq> select * from testusers a where a.type = ‘user’ and exists (select profileid from testusers b use keys ‘AUDIT_’|| and = “100009910”;

"results": [

"errors": [
        "code": 5000,
        "msg": "Index not found - cause: Stale metadata"