Index created from .NET SDK is not used by queries, identical index created from CB query console works

As title: Index created from .NET SDK is not used by queries, but when identical index is created from CB query console - it works.

For instance:

CREATE INDEX idx_nick_check_app_name ON mybucket(application,clientId) WHERE (application = “app_name”)

Same exact query pasted into CB Query console in webconsole will create a working index.

check query:

select nick from mybucket where application = ‘app_name’ and clientId = ‘some_id’

Needless to say - this prevents automated bucket setup from working correctly. What could be causing this?

.net query to make the index is:

bucket.Query< obj >(createReq)

Which successfully creates index in the system and it shortly displays 100% build progress, but is never picked up by queries.

Compare the metadata for the two indexes via:
SELECT * FROM system:indexes;

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@keshav_m thank you, was able to find the problem using your suggestion.
A case of single quotes being added instead of double quotes for the

where (application = “my_app”)

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