Index creation stuck at 60%

Hi ,
I’m trying to create an index (secondary) on a bucket which has 8+ million documents. Every time, it stuck on the progress 60% and status is “building”
Couchbase version: 5.1.0 build 5552
OS: CentOS

CREATE INDEX test_1 ON test (col1, meta().id, col2, col3) USING GSI

Checked the indexer log as well and it seems some activities are happening but progress stays at 60%.

Any help on how to overcome this issue would be appreciated.


Hi @bathige, could you please share the indexer logs or cb_collect?

Thanks. Please see the attached indexer log of one (2.0 MB)

Hi Jeelan,
Do you have any update on this?

Sorry for the delay @bathige. We got the logs and shall revert soon. Would be great if you can share cbcollect as well. Would help us to analyse any stuck routines.

Hi @bathige ,
From indexer.log shared by you, the index ams:ams_test_1 is at build_progress 60%. The logs are from 04:03:30 to 14:17:56. I do not see any error in the log. Below is some analysis based on stats logged:
items_count of this index remains 0 until 08:25:25 and from stats logged at 08:26:25, we can see it suddenly rises to 4947189. But num_docs_processed increases only by 112 which is unusual. Can you please re-confirm index definition for this index? I see progress in items count from 08:26:25 onwards, which indicates indexing is progressing. To get more information on the system and running indexer go-routines, requesting you to share the full cbcollect of the cluster.