Index on array inside array

Hi All,

Can anyone suggest the right index for the below query :

SELECT count(r) as count from sample as r WHERE r.docType = ‘test’ AND ANY rest IN restrictions SATISFIES ARRAY_CONTAINS(, ‘test1’) END

Sample document structure is :
“_class”: “xxxx”,
“country”: “xxxx”,
“docType”: “test”,
“itemNumber”: xxxxx,
“legacyId”: “xxxxxx”,
“restrictions”: [
“beginDate”: “xxxxx”,
“beginDateTime”: xxxxx,
“city”: [
“country”: “xxxx”,
“refState”: “xxxxx”,
“restrictionType”: “xxxxx”,
“state”: “xxxx”,
“stateAbbr”: “xxxx”,
“userId”: “xxxx”
“beginDate”: “xxxxx”,
“beginDateTime”: xxxxx,
“city”: [
“country”: “xxxx”,
“refState”: “xxxx”,
“restrictionType”: “xxxxx”,
“state”: “xxxx”,
“stateAbbr”: “xxxx”,
“userId”: “xxxxx”

SELECT count(1) AS count 
FROM `sample` as r 
WHERE r.docType = ‘test’ 
AND ANY rest IN restrictions SATISFIES (ANY c IN SATISFIES c = "test1" END)  END;
CREATE INDEX ix1 ON sample( DISTINCT ARRAY (DISTINCT FOR rest IN restrictions END) WHERE docType = "test"
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