IndexOutOfRangeException during fail over with .NET SDK 2.0

@jmorris -

Thanks for the info. In my test setup when the ClientFailure was returned I tried using the GetFromReplica<T> method but no matter how many times I called it (in an infinite while(result.Success) loop) it always returned VBucketBelongsToAnotherServer. On the other hand if I retried the original Get<T> operation eventually it succeeded. So I guess that the GetFromReplica<T> method doesn’t work as expected in 2.0.2 or maybe I am not using it in the correct situation?

Does this mean that if there’s an IOException, the operation will not be retried? In our production environment I have a situation where idle TCP connections will be reset by a firewall. I have verified that the 2.0.1 SDK was correctly handling this case and simply marked the connection in the pool as dead and retried the operation.