Insert request failed with error kv_temporary_failure

I am using couchbase community edition 7.0.1 build 6102 version and trying to do a performance test on 3 node cluster.
Memory quota are allocated as follows
Data Service : 8851 MB
Index Service : 4096 MB
Search Service : 512 MB

I started execution to insert 300 million records in DB but after 123 million record insertion , I am getting below error and not able to insert any record further.

Exception in thread "main" com.couchbase.client.core.error.AmbiguousTimeoutException: InsertRequest, Reason: TIMEOUT {"cancelled":true,"completed":true,"coreId":"0x32ae907d00000001","idempotent":false,"lastChannelId":"32AE907D00000001/000000008EBB1962","lastDispatchedFrom":"","lastDispatchedTo":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:11210","reason":"TIMEOUT","requestId":112,"requestType":"InsertRequest","retried":12,"retryReasons":["KV_TEMPORARY_FAILURE","COLLECTION_MAP_REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS"],"service":{"bucket":"jcache","collection":"RecordDup","documentId":"volte#1632975655638#10000000000","opaque":"0x30","scope":"Mediation","type":"kv"},"timeoutMs":2500,"timings":{"dispatchMicros":265217,"encodingMicros":9456,"totalDispatchMicros":799452,"totalMicros":2505195}}

I am attaching screen shot of cluster cpu, ram and disk size.

Please suggest what is the root cause of this error. I am expecting that couchbase should evict data from memory as it keeps on getting insert request.

Hi, were you able to find the root cause and the fix for the issue?
Please let us know.