Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook

I want to update a cluster but my operator does not seem to be the one my cluster expects:

Resource: “, Resource=couchbaseclusters”, GroupVersionKind: “, Kind=CouchbaseCluster”
Name: “cb-cluster”, Namespace: “default”
for: “cb-cluster-PROD.yaml”: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook “couchbase-operator-admission.default.svc”: Post “https://couchbase-operator-admission.default.svc:443/couchbaseclusters/mutate?timeout=10s”: service “couchbase-operator-admission” not found

the operator services are:
cbc-couchbase-admission-controller 443/TCP
cbc-couchbase-operator 8080/TCP,8383/TCP

ps - I already tried changing the to match the service name the cluster expects… but then it just fails with ‘signed by unknown identity’

How can I tell the cluster to use the new operator?
Thank you!!!

Hi @Daniel42 if this is 2.3.0 I suggest deleting the admission controller package and re-installing because the mutation webhook was removed, which is probably why there is an error calling the associated mutation service.

Refer to similar issue: X509: certificate signed by unknown authority - #5 by simon.murray

thank you @tommie - I actually already solved it by deleting the “mutatingwebhookconfiguration” that is no longer used by 2.3 and then deleting and reinstalling the operator.
alternatively I could have uninstalled the old operator with the version that I installed it with - not the successor.
I got the nudge from another thread: X509: certificate signed by unknown authority - #4 by Daniel42