Is _all_docs sync gateway REST call supported for couchbase 3.0?

Thanks. I don’t have any details on the failure unfortunately, I’m using angularjs $http to make the call, and the status received by that for the failure is 0, and the response data is null. Usually a timeout would have 504 status and the gateway timeout html from nginx, so I don’t think it’s a timeout. It didn’t fail for me, I’m just seeing a couple failures reported in my logging for some clients, so I don’t have any data to work with aside from the reported status and response data. The full call I’m making is:

http://<hostname>/<db name>/_all_docs?include_docs=true

I’m using this in a production setting so I can’t update sync gateway with anything but a full release version, but thanks for the info. If those changes make it into a production release later on it will definitely affect my decision on updating to it. I’m hoping to switch to using N1QL soon anyway and not retrieving all docs at once.