Is it possible to delete a specific portion of document in Couchbase using N1QL?

Please let me know if its possible to delete an element from the children array based on the Id from the below sample document .
i.e. I need to delete all the details of Id=100( delete the entire element in the array)

	"results": [{
		"tutorial": {
			"type": "contact",
			"title": "Mr.",
			"fname": "Ian",
			"lname": "Taylor",
			"age": 56,
			"email": "",
			"children": [{
					"Id": "100",
					"Details": [{
						"fname": "Abama",
						"age": 17,
						"gender": "F"

					"Id": "101",
					"Details": [{
						"fname": "Alex",
						"age": 17,
						"gender": "M"

			"hobbies": [
			"relation": "cousin"

Use UPDATE FOR syntax

UPDATE default AS d
UNSET  d.age
   FOR dt IN c.Details FOR c IN d.children  WHEN c.Id = "100" AND dt.fname = "Alex" END
WHERE d.type = "contact" AND = "";

“Tutorial” is the bucket name .
I am getting this error "“Keyspace not found in CB datastore keyspace default - cause: No bucket named default”. Could you please help?

Removes age field in Details that matches fname “Alex”, underneath children id is “100” of document type “contact” and email “”

UPDATE tutorial AS d
UNSET  dt.age
   FOR dt IN c.Details FOR c IN d.children  WHEN c.Id = "100" AND dt.fname = "Alex" END
WHERE d.type = "contact" AND = "";

Removes Details underneath children id is “100” of document type “contact” and email “”

   UPDATE tutorial AS d 
    UNSET  c.Details
       FOR c IN d.children  WHEN c.Id = "100" END
    WHERE d.type = "contact" AND = "";

Removes Details underneath children id is “100” of document type “contact” and email “” of document id “ian”

UPDATE tutorial AS d  USE KEYS "ian"
    UNSET  c.Details
       FOR c IN d.children  WHEN c.Id = "100" END
    WHERE d.type = "contact" AND = "";

Removes children id is “100” of document type “contact” and email “” of document id “ian”

 UPDATE tutorial AS d  USE KEYS "ian"
  SET d.children = ARRAY c  FOR c IN d.children  WHEN c.Id != "100" END
  WHERE d.type = "contact" AND = "";
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Could you please give a brief explanation what each of these 4 queries achieve ? I am beginner in N1QL